Number of disputed ballots 270,000 votes (approx.)
Joe Biden’s winning margin 154,188 votes (2.8%)
Michigan’s electoral college votes under dispute 16 votes
(36 would need to be flipped for a Trump win)
Independent forensic audit investigation ❌ Internal audits only

Outstanding Issues

  • Padded voter rolls

  • Suspicious vote spikes going 95%+ to Biden

  • 270,000 votes counted without independent observation

  • Outstanding/unresolved integrity issues with Dominion counting machines

  • Eyewitness accounts of illegal ballot handling

  • Numerous counties where ballot tallies did not match records

  • Overuse of tally adjudication within Dominion software

  • Audits being performed by the same county staff who performed the elections

  • Obstruction of further audits

Key Allegations From The Patrick Colbeck Report

Patrick J. Colbeck, former elected Michigan Senator (2011-2018), and former candidate for governor in Michigan, released a report on election fraud and irregularities that he either personally witnessed during poll-watching (in some cases) or later become aware of.

We have heard persistent refrains from the media and complicit elected officials that “there is no evidence of election fraud” in the 2020 election. That is simply not true.

“The best way to dispel the brewing division in our nation over the election results is to pursue an emergency forensic audit of the paper and electronic election materials for the battleground states.

“If the audit reveals that all of the concerns cited in this Case for MI Decertification are invalidated, so be it. … If the audit reveals that these concerns are indeed valid, though, the results of the 2020 Election should be decertified.”

— Patrick J. Colbeck

Read his summary article, or his 86 page PDF presentation.

Michigan Election Report Summary

In summary, it alleges that there were dozens of breaches of election integrity, including:

Chain of Custody Broken

  • Based on the Qualified Voter File (QVF) or Voter Registration Database, 616,648 ineligible voters were allowed to vote, and 12.23% of absentee voters did not request an absentee ballot.
  • At least 210 dead voters (Possible 1,005 additional dead voters)
  • At least 317 voters cast votes in multiple states
  • At least 13,248 absentee or early voters were not residents of Michigan when they voted
  • 2,474 voters had invalid addresses (additional 857 unverifiable)
  • Fake birthdays entered demonstrating no validation of voting age criteria being met
  • Multiple versions of poll books per precinct
  • Double voting occurred due to multiple poll books
  • Unsupervised ballot duplication
  • Suspicious drops of “tens of thousands” of ballots
  • At least 289,866 illegal votes cast
  • Evidence of internet connectivity 1
  • Evidence of fractional vote tallies
  • Dominion election system featured a 68% error rate resulting in suspicious adjudication rate. Learn more about Dominion.
  • Data anomalies indicate fraud

Statutory Violations

  • Deliberate interference with duties of poll challengers
  • Republican poll workers rejected by election officials
  • Election processes executed without representatives of both major political parties
  • Poll workers left polling location prior to closure of polls
  • Destruction of election artifacts prior to end of 22 month archival requirement
  • Interference with recount efforts
  • Secretary of State Benson allowed online voter registration without signature verification

Constitutional Violations

  • Unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority to certify election results to the Governor in MCL 168.46
  • Unequal protections of law provided in favor of Democrats
  • Unlawful restrictions upon Freedom of Assembly
  • Denial of access to audit
  • Privatization of elections by left-leaning group Center for Tech and Civic Life

Board of Canvassers

  • Wayne County
    • No signatures of Republican canvassers were affixed to statement of certification
    • Evidence of “Cooking the Books” prior to Wayne County certification vote
    • Official vote results for Wayne County shows 0 registered voters against a tally of 172,337 votes
  • State Board of Canvassers certified results with one Republican canvasser abstaining. Wayne County certification issue was not addressed.
  • In Kent, Macomb, Oakland and Wayne County, there is evidence that 289,866 illegal votes were cast
  • Antrim County
    • Evidence that 6,000 Trump votes were allocated to Biden out of 22,000 votes
    • Adjudication enabled vote flipping without a paper trail.

Dominion Voting Systems Vulnerabilities

Dominion was used in 65 out of 83 counties in Michigan, including the troublesome Antrim County.

  • Dominion CEO John Poulos testified under oath that Ranked Choice Voting module which allows fractional voting was not enabled in Antrim County. This testimony conflicts with forensic analysis findings.
  • Fractional votes were evident in data stream from Dominion servers to Edison servers
  • Evidence that internet connectivity present during voting in contrast to Dominion CEO testimony 1
  • System manuals explicitly refer to internet and ethernet connectivity
  • Encryption keys stolen
  • DVS passwords available on Dark Web
  • NIST posted DVS file attributes
  • Audit logs deleted
  • Original ballot images deleted

See also the full article about Dominion Systems, which includes a video demonstration of how vote switching can occur by direct manipulation of the Dominion database.

For further reports by Patrick Colbeck, including detailed analyses of other third-party reports, see below, or visit his website at

“2000 Mules” Reveals Ballot Harvesting Operation

The May 2022 documentary 2000 Mules revealed video evidence of a coordinated, funded, illegal ballot trafficking network across critical swing states including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Texas.

The documentary explains how True the Vote were able to identify over 2,000 ballot traffickers by obtaining 2 petabytes of geofencing cellphone ping data purchased from brokers. Their threshold for identifying a mule was if they visited at least 10 drop boxes and made at least 5 visits to a non-profit organization which showed evidence of functioning as a ballot “stash house”. They then obtained 4 million minutes of drop box video surveillance footage through FOIA requests which showed the traffickers in action. 2

Mules identified: 500
Drop boxes involved: 50
Estimated illegal votes: 125,000

This is a massive number of votes, but not quite enough in itself to tip Michigan’s election outcome where Biden supposedly won by 154,188 votes. However, considering the likelihood that not all mules were identified, and that numerous other irregularities exist, this likely played a significant role in flipping the election.

Learn More About 2000 Mules

Michigan Senate Committee Hearing on Election Issues

Many of the above issues, plus additional eyewitness accounts were given during the Senate Committee’s hearing on Dec 1, 2020.

YouTube has censored the above clip. Please let us know on Telegram or via the comments section below if you are aware of a working, alternative link.

As mentioned below, the Michigan Senate later stated that “This Committee found no evidence of widespread or systemic fraud in Michigan’s prosecution of the 2020 election.” It appears that they ignored, overlooked or potentially “covered up” much of the testimony and evidence presented.

Michigan 2020 Voter Analysis Report

A detailed statistical analysis of the ballots and anomalies uncovered within the 2020 election in Michigan was released by, with contributions by Dr. Louis Anthony Cox, Jr., Tom Davis, S. Stanley Young, PhD, Dr. Eric Quinnell, Robert Wilgus, Dr. William M. Briggs, Dr. Robert Hancock and compiled by physicist John Droz, Jnr.

Read the PDF Report

The DePerno Reports

Attorney Matthew DePerno collaborated with several cyber security firms and forensic experts as part of his election-related lawsuits and has amassed at least 20 technical reports on security vulnerabilities and other evidence of fraud during the election, with a special focus on Michigan.

The 20+ reports are published at on his website, with latest updates found on his Twitter page.

If we extrapolate the findings in Antrim County — which match almost identically with what they come out with in Arizona — if we extrapolate those results to the entire state, not counting Wayne County which is Detroit, there’s 500,000 fraudulent votes, that’s 500,000 phantom ballots in the state.”

— Attorney Matt DePerno 3

Election Integrity Scorecard

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard is an assessment of each state’s voting laws, written regulations and procedures. Michigan was ranked 28th out of 51.

Election Integrity Scorecard

Michigan's Total Score 56%
Voter ID Implementation 65%
Accuracy of Voter Registration Lists 60%
Absentee Ballot Management 67%
Vote Harvesting/Trafficking Restrictions 75%
Access of Election Observers 100%
Verification of Citizenship 0%
Identification for Voter Assistance 67%
Vote Counting Practices 100%
Election Litigation Procedures 0%
Restriction of Same-day Registration 0%
Restriction of Automatic Registration 0%
Restriction of Private Funding of Election Officials or Government Agencies 0%

View the full Scorecard for Michigan

It’s important to note that the scores above reflect the laws, regulations, and processes that exist within the state, but not whether they were actually followed. In the 2020 election, some states with highly-rated election integrity measures did not uphold them. 4 As The Heritage Foundation reminds us, even the best laws are not worth much unless responsible officials enforce them rigorously. It is up to the citizens of each state to make sure that their elected and appointed public officials do just that.

The Halderman Report

J. Alex Halderman, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan, wrote a report (view PDF) released and approved by the Michigan Department of State that argued human error and poor practices led to early tabulation errors in Antrim County but that the results were fully rectified and eventually accurate. While Halderman acknowledged vulnerabilities in the election technology, he stressed that “there is no evidence that any of these problems was ever exploited in Antrim County.”

Several other sources dispute this claim, including Attorney Matthew DePerno and Analysts James Thomas Penrose IV and Jeffrey Lenberg. They released an 8-page report and affidavit citing inaccuracies and glaring omissions in Halderman’s report, and rebutting his conclusions.

Michigan Senate 2020 Election Report

On June 23, 2021, the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee approved the release of their own report on the November 2020 Election in Michigan (view PDF). The Committee is Chaired by Senator Ed McBroom (R) and includes Vice Chair Senator Lana Theis (R), Senator John Bizon (R), and Senator Jeff Irwin (D).

This Committee found no evidence of widespread or systemic fraud in Michigan’s prosecution of the 2020 election.”

– MI Senate Oversight Committee

Yet, as Patrick Colbeck points out, the same committee members then proceeded to claim that there were “severe weaknesses in our election system”. He wrote a detailed critique of the report and its many flaws.

State Representative Daire Rendon wrote a letter shortly after stating she is “in receipt of evidence reflecting systemic election fraud in Michigan that occurred in the November 2020 election” and that the Senate Oversight Committee did not examine appropriate evidence, expert reports, and testimony. 5

Donald Trump labelled the Senate’s actions as a “cover up”:

Donald Trump Statement to Michigan Senate

Attorney (and Attorney General candidate) Matt DePerno reviewed the report and responded that:

With this report, the Michigan Senate is attempting to cover up evidence of election fraud in the November 2020 general election. They are also using the mantle of government to proactively intimidate anyone from speaking out about election fraud. …

The Michigan Senate has refused to meet with our attorneys and team of forensic experts to review actual evidence of election fraud. Reportedly, Senator McBroom (who has been accused in the past of violating people’s constitutional rights) has gone so far as to instruct the Republican caucus to not review evidence for themselves. If they don’t review the evidence, they can continue to say they have seen no evidence. Nevertheless, we have so far released 19 reports on election fraud through multiple legal briefs filed with the 13th Circuit Court in Antrim County. We are not done. Additional reports will be released soon. The Michigan Senate failed to properly address any of the evidence submitted in the 19 reports available for everyone to review at You can also see a great deal of the evidence at These reports expose the inherent vulnerabilities and weak or non-existent security protocols of voting machines. But more importantly, these reports also expose how the voting system and election in Antrim County was actually and definitively subverted through fraud and intentional manipulation of the voting machines; and by extrapolation, the State of Michigan. 6

Back in November and December of 2020, the Trump legal team had already raised numerous concerns about the results:

  • Vote counting rooms were announced as “closed down”, and yet counting continued, without independent observers present 7

  • Statistical anomalies, including a notorious “vote dump” whereby Biden gained 141,258 votes compared with Trump’s 5,968 in a single update on November 4. 8

    On November 7, there was another one-sided spike of 54,199 votes:

    Michigan Election Vote Spike Chart

    Source: 9

  • In Michigan’s largest county, Wayne County (south and central Detroit): 7
    • 71 of the precincts could not balance their books - there were more votes than people who voted
    • County board refused to certify because of the number that couldn’t be balanced
    • They were threatened, and recalled their concerns believing there would be a forensic audit. The audit never occurred.
    • Governor Whitlas ignored their refusal to certify
    • Secretary of State has said that records should be destroyed
  • 270,000 votes were counted without independent observation 7

  • The state used Dominion voting machines, which permit tampering and overriding of results. 7 A forensic audit of the Antrim County vote tabulation found that the Dominion system had an astonishing error rate of 68 percent. By way of comparison, the Federal Election Committee requires that election systems must have an error rate no larger than 0.0008 percent. 10

  • In some areas, including Antrim County, 82% of votes were flagged for adjudication, meaning an unobserved adjudicator was able to potentially change the outcome of votes 7

  • All machines deserve to be audited, yet Michigan officials have obstructed attempts to audit their machines 7

Lack of Turnout Statistics

Dr. Doug Frank pointed out that as of Jan 2022, Michigan Secretary of State has still not published voter turnout statistics for 2020, despite publishing every election from 1948 to 2016. 11 See their website. Dr. Frank and others have noted anomalies in the numbers of registrations and voters in Michigan.

Alleged Interference from Mark & Priscilla Zuckerberg

Ian Northon from the Thomas Moore Society, represented a client who claimed to have evidence that charities supported by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, illegally influenced the 2020 presidential election in Michigan. Through their donations of $400 million into charities like The Center for Tech and Civic Life, millions of dollars poured into Michigan in violation of federal law. 12 It was also dispersed in a seemingly partisan way:

Counties previously won by Hillary Clinton $5,939,235
Counties previously won by Donald Trump $402,878
Total $6,342,113

25 out of the 26 cities and counties that received at least $1 million from CTCL were won by Biden in 2020. 13

Here are the 10 largest CTCL donations in Michigan, and who ended up winning the county vote: 13

Northon said consultants connected to Zuckerberg’s charities were being paid “50 to 60 dollars an hour in those locations to cure ballots, to duplicate ballots,” to ensure that every vote was counted. He explained how having paid poll workers in one district and only minimal volunteers in Republican districts added to the disparity while counting the votes, which could lead to inaccurate tallies.

Northon also alleged that a witness revealed to him that state authorities intentionally, with the help of outside charities, along with get-out-the-vote groups, tried to sway Michigan for Joe Biden.

The American Voter’s Alliance published a detailed investigative report on this issue, as did RealClear Investigations, InfluenceWatch, and Caesar Rodney Election Research Institute.

As of March 2022, twelve states have either banned or severely restricted the acceptance and use of private funds for state and local elections: AZ, AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KS, MS, ND, OH, TN, and TX. Another 5 states have passed anti-Zuckerbucks legislation that is awaiting a Republican governor’s signature: AL, OK, SD and VA. We’re hoping that more will soon follow suit.

Court Hearings

As of October 2021, the district, state and supreme courts have ruled on several election fraud issues, while numerous other cases are still open. Some cases were dismissed on legal technicalities, preventing evidence from being presented and considered; but a detailed list of cases and outcomes available here show that at a national level, Trump/Republicans have so far prevailed in 18 out of 25 cases that were decided on the merits of the evidence.

View Court Case Outcomes

Specific to Michigan:

  • On November 13, 2020, the Circuit Court of Michigan denied the presented claims of fraud, citing that witness affidavits were not credible, and that enforcing an independent audit would add undue delays to the election process. Read full report.

  • The state’s highest court ruled to deny the appeal and disagreed with the lawsuit’s premise that an audit should take place before certification—instead, it could (and should) take place after. It an order (see PDF) it acknowledged that:

    • There was presence of “troubling and serious allegations of fraud and irregularities”
    • The plaintiffs presented evidence to substantiate their allegations, including in support of claims that ballots were counted from voters whose names were not on poll books and that instructions were given by elections officials to “disobey election laws and regulations.”

    While denying Costantino and McCall’s calls to halt the audit, the Michigan Supreme Court said its decision does not preclude plaintiffs from seeking a future “results audit”. 14

The Michigan State Board of Canvassers subsequently voted to certify the election results. Michigan’s Secretary of State has said that her agency will conduct a post-election performance audit in Wayne County. 14

Further Reports

Patrick Colbeck

Patrick Colbeck formerly served two terms in the Michigan Senate and was investigating election integrity issues prior to the 2020 elections. He has written extensively about the integrity issues discovered during this election, with most published on his website The following articles are especially recommended for further research:

Seth Keshel’s Trend Analysis

Former US military intelligence officer and statistical analyst Seth Keshel analyzed the trends of voter registrations versus actual votes and discovered alarming anomalies in a number of counties, ones that defy typical historical trends. He has published a report for every state, indicating which counties’ vote counts align with the trend in voter registrations and which have small or large divergences.

Seth Keshel County Trend Map for Michigan

Chart legend: Red = Rampant Fraud, Yellow = Likely/Suspect, Green = Clean

Trump votes Biden votes Other votes
Officially reported results 2,649,852 (47.8%) 2,804,040 (50.6%) 88,665 (1.6%)
Estimate of potential fraud 527,000 (9.5%)
Estimate of actual result
(with fraud removed)
2,649,852 (52.8%) 2,277,040 (45.4%) 88,665 (1.8%)

Seth estimates that there may be approximately 527,000 votes for Biden in excess of what Michigan registration trends would indicate — a possible indicator of fraud. Counties with the greatest number of excess votes deserve closer inspection.

Seth has listed Michigan’s Genessee, Kent, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties as being among the Nation’s Top 100 Worst Counties in terms of abnormal trends during the 2020 election.

View Seth’s National Summary   View Seth’s Michigan Report

Dr. Doug Frank’s Analysis

Dr. Douglas Frank discovered a strange algorithmic pattern that enabled him to accurately predict voter registration by age and voter turnout by age with a very high degree of accuracy (a correlation of 0.997).

Alarmingly, some counties across Michigan had more registered voters in certain age groups than eligible voters exist in the population. Additionally, in many older age-groups, voter turnout was nearly 100% and sometimes exceeded the total eligible population.

The same, exact algorithm (or “key” as Frank calls the mathematical formula) used in one county could be applied to many other counties in Michigan to predict their voter registration and turnout by age, too.

Dr. Frank has performed his analysis on at least 17 other states and has found the same disturbing pattern where he is able to predict the voter turnout rate for every age bracket in many counties based only on US Census Bureau data.

Having registration and turnout rates that repeatedly reflect a common mathematical formula across numerous demographically-unique counties is an indication that voter rolls and votes themselves may have been illegally manipulated via a computer algorithm. In all cases where this has occurred, we believe a forensic audit of the ballots, software logs, election records, and voter rolls is highly necessary.

Learn More About Dr. Frank’s Analysis View Dr. Frank’s Report on Michigan

Bloated Voter Rolls

In Oct 2020, a month before the election, Judicial Watch released a study that found 353 US counties in 29 states had voter registration rates exceeding 100% of the eligible voting-age citizens.

In Michigan the following counties exceeded 100%:
Leelanau County (119%); Otsego County (118%); Antrim County (116%); Kalkaska County (115%); Emmet County (114%); Berrien County (114%); Keweenaw County (114%); Benzie County (113%); Washtenaw County (113%); Mackinac County (112%); Dickinson County (112%); Roscommon County (112%); Charlevoix County (112%); Grand Traverse County (111%); Oakland County (110%); Iron County (110%); Monroe County (109%); Genesee County (109%); Ontonagon County (109%); Gogebic County (109%); Livingston County (109%); Alcona County (108%); Cass County (108%); Allegan County (108%); Oceana County (107%); Midland County (107%); Kent County (107%); Montmorency County (107%); Van Buren County (107%); Wayne County (107%); Schoolcraft County (107%); Mason County (107%); Oscoda County (107%); Iosco County (107%); Wexford County (106%); Presque Isle County (106%); Delta County (106%); Alpena County (106%); St Clair County (106%); Cheboygan County (105%); Newaygo County (105%); Barry County (105%); Gladwin County (105%); Menominee County (105%); Crawford County (105%); Muskegon County (105%); Kalamazoo County (104%); St. Joseph County (104%); Ottawa County (103%); Clinton County (103%); Saginaw County (103%); Manistee County (103%); Lapeer County (103%); Calhoun County (103%); Ogemaw County (103%); Macomb County (103%); Missaukee County (102%); Eaton County (102%); Shiawassee County (102%); Huron County (102%); Lenawee County (101%); Branch County (101%); Osceola County (101%); Clare County (100%); Arenac County (100%); Bay County (100%); Lake County (100%)

Statewide, Michigan had 105% of it’s eligible population registered.

Dr. Doug Frank also performed voter registration analysis with similar findings, as shown in the chart below:

State Voter Registration Rates 2020

Source: Telegram Post, Nov 28, 2021

While this could be a symptom of poor clean-up of voter rolls — where voters that have died or moved interstate are left on the rolls for extended periods of time — it creates significant opportunity for fraudulent ballots to be submitted under the names of expired voters, making them appear legitimate. This was made even easier with the prevalence of mail-in ballots and widespread abandonment of voter ID rules which occurred in many states during the 2020 election.

The door-to-door canvassing across numerous states is proving that “phantom votes” were indeed counted for certain voters who were registered but did not themselves submit a ballot.

Research is also underway to explore disconcerting cases in some states whereby voter rolls appear to have been deliberately padded with false, duplicated, or expired records, possibly for the purpose of providing cover for fraudulent ballots. This is evidenced by graphing the changes to voter rolls over time and observing patterns which appear algorithmically-generated rather than organic, and then drilling down to identify specific anomalous records. We hope to release more findings on these anomalies in the coming weeks.

Edward Solomon

After finding large statistical impossibilities in Georgia 15, Mathematician Edward Solomon found that Pennsylvania and Michigan also had similar indications of a fraudulent algorithm. His report Analysis of Michigan Precinct Timeseries Voting Data alleges that 287,980 votes were flipped from Trump to Biden in Michigan.

Election Audits

1. Internal Audits

Following the election, Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State requested that election results be audited, and released a report (view PDF) on the findings. The report states that most counties audited themselves, and in some cases the same County Clerk responsible for programming election machines and printing of ballots were the same ones who performed the audit:

The majority of post-election audits are conducted by Michigan’s 83 county clerks. County clerks do not administer elections directly on election day, but they do serve several critical election functions including the programming of election equipment and printing of ballots. The remainder are conducted by the Michigan Bureau of Elections on behalf of the Secretary of State.”

She concluded that “After the most extensive audits in state history, no evidence of intentional misconduct of fraud by election officials was discovered.”

The Secretary of State has published an Election Fact Check Page that attempts to debunk claims of election fraud, however some of the content appears dubious and misleading. 16

2. Cheboygan County Audit

In June, Cheboygan County board of commissioners voted in favor of requesting a 2020 election audit:

“As commissioners, we have heard from many of our consistuents expressing concerns/questions related to the November 3, 2020 election… We believe we have a responsibility to address these concerns/questions.”

They submitted a request to Michigan Department of State Elections, officially requesting that an audit be conducted, specifically requesting: 17

  1. A “hand recount” to confirm the numbers

  2. Confirmation that the vote tally was accurately reported to the state

  3. Confirm whether the county’s Dominion vote tabulator and/or election system had a modem installed capable of connecting to the internet, or whether there is any evidence that any election machine was in communication with any unauthorized computer or manipulated the actual vote tally

They requested an “accredited election auditor such as from Pro V&V” 17, however as the Arizona Senators discovered when planning the forensic audit in Maricopa, there is no such thing as an “accredited election auditor”, only accredited voting system test laboratories (VSTL) which are contracted by voting machine companies like Dominion to grant them EAC certification, and as such would be inherently biased against finding issues in machines that they themselves were paid to certify.

In any case, their request was officially denied by the Department of State Elections. The Director reasoned in a response letter that “the commissioners lack the authority under state law to either conduct or supervise post-election audits”. According to Michigan state law, only the Secretary of State and County Clerks can carry out election audits. “In light of these costs and the lack of any actual evidence that voting systems have been compromised, the Bureau would not instruct or advise the County Clerk to conduct any additional review.” 18 19

The letter did lay out the possibility of submitting a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request: “Through this process, it would be possible for any member of the public to compare the votes on viewed paper ballots to the totals on tabulator tapes (which are also public records that may be inspected), canvass records and reported totals to verify the numbers matched.” 18 19

The chairman of the county’s commission said: “I’m not disappointed and I think he’s following the statutes.”

It’s unclear whether the county will yet pursue the FOIA request.

3. Forensic Audits

As of August 2021, no full forensic audits have yet been initiated.

The movement towards initiating forensic audits is being discussed on Telegram at @MichiganAudit and @MichiganAuditChat.

Grassroots Canvass

Macomb County Canvass

Jacky Eubanks, candidate for Michigan State Representative, is leading a grassroots canvassing effort, going door-to-door verifying ballot and voter information from the 2020 election. She started with her hometown of Chesterfield, Michigan, in north-east Detroit, and described her findings as “both alarming and disgusting”. Roughly 18-20% of residences had anomalies or irregularities. Biden’s winning margin in the state was only 2.8%. The types of anomalies include:

  • The registered voter does not exist at that address, and has not for 2–25 years
  • The registered votes does reside at the address, but states they did not vote, despite a vote being recorded in their name (some even producing their uncast absentee ballot)
  • Addresses associated with businesses, which is illegal
  • Incomplete addresses, such as specifying a building number but no apartment number

She also found that cities in Macomb County have an unexplained excess of 170,000 more registered voters than people of voting age (and that does not even account for citizenship status or felon status). Again, this number is higher in one single county than Biden’s winning margin of 154,188 votes in the state.

After presenting her findings to the Macomb County Clerk, he seems interested in knowing if these issues are more widespread, so the canvass is looking to expand to other cities.

Jacky Eubanks explained her initial results on OAN:

OAN News, Sep 15, 2021

The Gateway Pundit has published a further interview with Jacky including a 9min video about her preliminary results. She discusses her findings as well as the major resistance she has faced from the state’s Attorney General, state police, FBI, and Republican politicians.

Her results show similar irregularities, yet in even more alarming percentages than the results from the Arizona canvass effort.

Genesee County

Canvassing in Genesee County is underway, targeting precincts that Seth Keshel identified as the most likely ones to have experienced fraud, especially homes with 4 or more registered voters on the Qualified Voter File (QVF).

As of Feb 25, 2022:

  • 660 households had been contacted and 297 of these were available for interviewing, accounting for 1023 people on the QVF.

  • 335 of those people no longer (or never did) reside in these 297 households. That’s a rate of 32.75% excess registrations in the QVF.

  • 52 “people” who were recorded as having voted in November 2020 but did not reside at the address indicated on the QVF, otherwise known as “phantom voters”.

Further canvassing is underway, with more results expected soon.

Note: Because the focus is on the areas most-likely to contain discrepancies, this data cannot realistically be extrapolated across the entire State of Michigan.

Similar grassroots canvass efforts are underway in at least eleven states. Learn more about the thousands of irregularities being uncovered in our article on Door-to-Door Canvassing Results.

Get Involved

Volunteers are needed to help verify the irregularities found. One key way this is done is through voter canvassing, with teams analyzing the county and state records and voter rolls, and others going door-to-door to identify whether the records match the actual residents living at the address.

Learn more about Canvassing Volunteer in Your State

You can also contact your state representatives and ask them to thoroughly investigate all credible allegations and ensure forensic audits are pursued to completion, across all necessary counties.

Contact Michigan State Representatives

Further Updates

Mar 25, 2022 launches petition and gathers signatures to push for the election to be rectified.

Decertify Michigan
Mar 3, 2022

Michigan Secretary of State sued for ordering township clerk to violate election laws.

Election Investigation Law
Feb 14, 2022

The Thomas More Society filed a response to a motion to dismiss a complaint filed in the Michigan Court of Claims against Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. The complaint was filed in October 2020 by several Michigan voters and taxpayers claiming that Secretary Benson illegally permitted Michigan election officials to accept private money in exchange for allowing the private money source to control aspects of the 2020 Michigan election.

Thomas More Society
Nov 5, 2021

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) filed a lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on Wednesday, alleging she failed to remove more than 25,000 potentially deceased registrants from voter rolls after being notified of the issue several times.

Breitbart News
Jul 26, 2021

A tech team received data from a concerned Michigan citizen in December. They ran them and the team, who are completely apolitical, said it was nonsense because none of the data matched up. At least a lot of it did not. They put it aside. But later the data guys understood that the Michigan data were not screwed up — rather, they had so much identifiable “anomaly” in them that they made sense only when looked at through an election fraud lens.

American Thinker
Jan 27, 2021

Court unseals details of audit on machines in Michigan’s Antrim County. Read the full PDF report.

The Standard

Election Audit Groups on Telegram

To join the grassroots efforts in pursuing election integrity and audits of the 2020 election in Michigan, you can join the following groups on Telegram:

For other states, see our Full List of Telegram Channels. has no affiliation with nor any responsibility for these channels. Discern carefully, as some users and even admins of channels have shown obstruction to transparent audits of our elections.

State Representatives Supporting Election Integrity & Audits

Following the results of the Maricopa Arizona Forensic Audit, 188 state representatives from 39 states signed a letter asking for forensic audits in all 50 states. The signatories for Michigan include:

  • Representative Daire Rendon
  • Representative Matt Maddock
  • Representative Steve Carra

Michigan Congresswoman Lisa McClain and Congressman Jack Bergman are part of the US Congress Election Integrity Caucus, a group of 55 federal members working together on issues of election integrity to ensure that Americans in every state and territory have confidence in free, fair, accurate, and transparent elections.

Raw Data

We aim to publish links to both the raw election data and voter registration data for Michigan so that citizens and researchers can analyze this information for themselves.

Show Raw Data Links

Certified Election Results
Currently unknown

In most states, the certified election results are available from the Secretary of State or State Board of Elections. Check their website for details. States are also required by HAVA law to inform the public of how many absentee ballots were both sent and received to uniformed services and overseas voters.
Voter Registration Rolls/Database
Currently unknown

In some states, these are freely available from the Secretary of State or State Board of Elections. Check their website. In other states, voter rolls must be purchased and/or accessed via a signed legal agreement. Some officials are also obstructing access to the rolls, to make auditing difficult. Let us know via Telegram or via the comment section below if you experience issues.
Cast Vote Records Ordros Analytics has collated a repository of Cast Vote Records (CVRs) which list everyone who voted in the Nov 2020 election. Only some counties in some states are represented, but the list is growing.
The New York Times 2020 Election Results Results for all states, with several maps and charts.
Data Explorer Tool Our own tool for inspecting the 2020 New York Times data, including the time-series data of how the counting progressed. Also provides download links for raw JSON or CSV data, including counts for every precinct and county.
US Election Atlas Detailed results for 2020 and previous years. Some data is freely accessible on their website, while some, such as detailed historic results in CSV format, are purchasable for a fee.
This appears to be the source commonly used by Seth Keshel for his analysis, although we have not officially confirmed this.
2020 General Election Data & Research A broad collection of national stats, vote and registration counts, time-series data, voting machine information and manuals, PDF reports, and other research collated by citizen auditors.
Election Night Time-Series Data from Edison

Provides more detail than is available from the New York Times, and includes numerous interactive charts.
Download ZIP of Raw Data
Published by Jeff O’Donnell,
Weekly HAVV SSN Reports

Social Security Administration (SSA) Weekly Data for Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) Transactions by State.
Learn more about this data
Published by Jeff O’Donnell,

If you have additional sources of election data, please let us know via Telegram, Twitter or post a comment below to assist.

Further Leads

Show List of Further Leads

The following list of election allegations and links was collated by with public contributions. Some items have not been reviewed for accuracy, but we provide them below in case they contain important information that we have not covered elsewhere. Remember to use your own discernment.

Election officials can obstruct observers from access to counting and canvassing Voting Legislation
174,384 ballots counted by AVCBs do not link back to a voter registration number Illegal Votes
200,000 more AV ballots counted than ballots returned in single county Illegal Votes
Determining the legality of a ballot is "optional" for absentee counting boards Illegal Votes
9,500 dead people returned mail-in ballots Illegal Votes
32,000 Michigan residents sign request for independed audit Illegal Votes
149,772 vote batch is 96% for single canidate Illegal Votes
10,000 ballots per day received modified dates by workers prior to election. Illegal Votes
782 more votes than than registered voters in Detroit from 2016 election Illegal Votes
1614 mail-in ballots were cast in the names of deceased voters in MI Illegal Votes
500+ votes being credited to a single batch of 50 ballots Polling Place Irregularities
15 witness videos from Precinct 13: Congressman, Senator, Dominion employee Polling Place Irregularities
Poll Challengers were kick out for challenging suspect ballots Polling Place Irregularities
72% of Detroit's absentee ballot counts were off, Canvassers discovers Polling Place Irregularities
70% of Detroit's 134 absentee counting boards had unexplained counting errors Polling Place Irregularities
234 pages of sworn affidavits for election irregularities from single county Polling Place Irregularities
Challenger challenges ballots being given to one party without legal reason Polling Place Irregularities
Volenteers in audit told not to audit signatures, but to only do manual count Polling Place Irregularities
GOP Reps certified election on as an attempted to protecting their families Polling Place Irregularities
Detroit Absentee Counting Center blocked Observers from monitoring process Polling Place Irregularities
Dominion IT worker submits affidavit describing poll workers signing ballots Polling Place Irregularities
Poll worker identified irregular ballots along with 5 other witnesses Polling Place Irregularities
Clerk signals that non-party workers may be in party worker slots Polling Place Irregularities
Poll workers cheer as GOP atterney is removed from counting center Polling Place Irregularities
Poll worker instructed to adjust the mailing date of absentee ballot packages Polling Place Irregularities
Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in corruption case Polling Place Irregularities
MI state senators request a full audit of the election Polling Place Irregularities
7,048 vote discreptioncy from Nov 3rd confirmed in single county recount Voting Machine Irregularities
68% error rate in Dominion system analysis, intentional errors erasing data Voting Machine Irregularities
6,000 unofficial votes incorrectly show as votes for other candidate Voting Machine Irregularities
1,127 ballots wrongly labeled through technical glitch Voting Machine Irregularities
Benson launched absentee applications without signature verification against state laws General
7.7 million unsolicited ballots were sent to registered voters, against state laws General
MN disabled public verification of ballot status, despite official instructions General
Dem Rep intimidates GOP Rep by insinuating his kids will become a public target General
IT Vote Reporting Fraud in Michigan and Wisconsin Unverified
Admission of employees of Wayne County MI, throwing away ballots Unverified
Dead voters in Michigan. Unverified
344 manually verified MI voters claiming PO box residency based on Braynards VIP Unverified
Video of witnesses presenting voter fraud evidence to Michigan legislature Unverified
Lefty Twitter man admits to vooter fraud in Michigan Unverified
MI poll worker STOPS INVESTIGATION of suspicious ballots@risk limiting audit Unverified
Evidence of Voter Fraud in MI Unverified
Spyder falsely claimed Dominion Voting Systems is owned by China Unverified
Russell Ramsland improperly misinterpreted common computer error messages Unverified
130,000 Biden Ballots in 3 Vehicles 4AM Unverified
3256 Donald Trump votes changed to Joe Biden at 1:35am on November 8th, 2020 Unverified
Analysis and Proof of Algorithm Used to Steal MI Unverified
Smoking Gun - Algorithm to Steal Michigan Found Through Reverse Engineering Unverified
Reverse Engineered Algorithm Used By Dominion to Steal Michigan Unverified
Dominion Voting Systems forensic report- Michigan Unverified
MI Sec of State Official Telling Volunteers To Count ballots twice Unverified
MI election official telling auditors to ignore duplicate signitures Unverified
Election official disinterested in suspect ballots w/same signature Unverified
Count the fraudalent ballots Unverified
Antrim County Audit: Counting Multiple Ballots Same Signature Unverified
The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors Unverified
Deperno Law Antrim Michigan Dominion Machines 23 pages Unverified
Antrim Michigan Forensics Report 121320 [PRELIMINARY] Unverified
Dominion voting systems forensic report for Michigan Unverified
Allied Security Operations Group Antrim Michigan Forensics. Dominion Voter mach Unverified
Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Systems in Antrim County, MI. v2 Unverified
Antrim County Forensic Report Unverified
Antrim County forensic audit shows fraud Unverified
Democratic official charged with 6 felonies regarding absentee election fraud Unverified
Atty Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Machines CHANGED VOTES Unverified
120 year old voter Unverified
Click on “vote statistics” go to page 93. 174,384 votes, ZERO registered voters. Unverified
MICHIGAN ELECTION CANVASSER REPORT: 72% Of Absentee Precincts are unbalanced Unverified
Michigan Legislator Cynthia A Johnson Threatening Trump Supporters Unverified
Michigan state legislative hearing Unverified
Dominion Tabulator tried to steal Anterim County, Michigan - 11/06/2020 Unverified
Charges for Altering of Poll Books Unverified
Downloaded voter data of those 100+ years old. Investigate! Unverified
universal id coming to america Unverified
Grosse Point Woods, Michigan Send Legal Notice Demanding Service due to inoperab Unverified
Kent Co.- Straight ticket + Pres/Vice votes exceeds registered voters by 73,920 Unverified
Thousands of Ballots hidden under table and taken out after room cleared Unverified
Voter Integrity Fund' Voter Analysis after the Election in MICHIGAN Unverified
Tabulators incapable of processing the numbers submitted during 3am and 6am Unverified
Military Ballots photocopied all for Biden Unverified
Hundreds of mail in ballots found dumped in a recycling bin in Macomb County, MI Unverified
MI needs a forensic audit. Unverified
There is no chain of custody for digital ballots. Unverified
Antrim Michigan vote switch remained in place Unverified
Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots, Lawsuit Claims Unverified
Election Workers Instructed to Overwrite Backup Data (see pg. 18) Unverified
poll workers filled out straight democrat ballots Unverified
Pollworker Training Gave Advice Against Michigan Regulations Unverified
Michigan Voting Machine Cheating Revealed Unverified
1326 dead voter ballots received Unverified
MallochBrown vid admitting Dominion licensed Smartmatic re Philippine Elections Unverified
William Hartmann's Affidavit Rescinding Certification Vote, Wayne County Unverified
Monica Palmer's Affidavit Rescinding Certification Vote, Wayne County (Detroit) Unverified
David A. Kellman's Lawsuit in MI Unverified
Trump ballot torn up Unverified
Election fraud Unverified
Michigan Data Analysis Suggests Absentee Ballots Manipulated by Computer Algo Unverified
Michigan 2020 Voting Analysis Report Unverified
Incongruent data in Wayne, Michigan. Evidence of fraud (different approach) Unverified
Over 166k votes cast w/99.5% accepted. +95% voted Biden, 3.5% voted Trump. Unverified
Invalid ballots thrown out Unverified
Department of Commerce given report in 2010 about Dominion Unverified
Inventor of EMAILsays likely 69.000 votes transferred to Biden in Michigan Unverified
1,333 mail in ballots were sent to centennial voters in Wayne County - Unverified
Video from China of forged ballots for Biden and Democrats Unverified
Lady voted twice for Trump. Unverified
My dead brother voted in Wayne County, MI Unverified
Recordings of Poll Workers being instructed on how to cheat Unverified
Ballots found in a garbage can Unverified
More registered voters than voting age population Unverified
4 apps graph votes by ward to prove systematic Biden Bonus in GA,CO,WI,MI,... Unverified
State Canvassers were threatened with felonies if they voted no Unverified
Michigan Supreme Court moves to Evidentiary Hearings Unverified
Video Whistleblower Articia Bomer Witness ILLEGAL Votes Counted & Tampering. MI. Unverified
Dominion used in 65 MI Counties not 47 Unverified
Costantino Et Al v City of Detroit Et Al - Supplemental Affidavit Unverified
Mellisa Carone Dominion Whistleblower Exposes Ballot Fraud Unverified
12,000 uncounted votes are found in canvass, change election winner Unverified
More registered voters in Leelanau County than eligible voters Unverified
MI - In 5 Seconds, Biden got 200,000 votes Unverified
Thousands of Biden Ballots delivered in dead of night Unverified
Detroit dump of 173k by anonymous voters: 0% registered with 100% turnout Unverified
Whitmer explains polical motiv for Covid lockdown on NBC Unverified
MI fraud witness statement Unverified
MI fraud witness statement Unverified
Michigan voter fraud witbess statement Unverified
Articia Bomer Witnessed Dems Counting Spoiled Ballots for Biden Unverified
Odd disparities in Antrim County precinct counts Unverified
Antrim County results reported backwards Unverified
Stolen Trump ballots burned Unverified
wagons, suitcases, and coolers moving in and out of a vote-counting center Unverified
MI- Biden wins two counties by 1 vote Unverified
Largest Number of Cluster Votes In Wayne Co. MI Came From Psychiatric Hospital Unverified
MI - SUSPICIOUS:Biden Underperformed Hillary Nationwide, Except In 4 Cities Unverified
Michigan elections process: What happens to ballots after you vote Unverified
Detroit has more registered voters than eligible voters Unverified
Not letting in poll watchers in Detroit Unverified
Multiple mail-ballots filled out for Biden by one person. Unverified
Election Fraud Expert: Michigan’s Election Results Are ‘Physical Impossibility’ Unverified
41% of AV Ballots Unmatched - Wayne Allen Park Unverified
135 AVBC precincts have 0 registered voters, leaving 173k untraceable votes Unverified
Patrick Colbeck testimony on election observer interference Unverified
Dead son voted. Unverified
My friend was born in MI but lives in NH now & voted for Biden Unverified
There were more Registered Voters than what was even possible Unverified
State of Michigan using Obsolete Operating System Unverified
Detroit election officials refused to readmit GOP poll challengers Unverified
Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump are, in fact, Bigfoots Unverified
Michigan Secretary of State DIvine 9 Application Unverified
Trump attempts to persuade canvassers to uncertify votes Unverified
Republican Clerk Caroline Wilson in MI causes error, not Dominion software Unverified
Michigan Election Official Training Poll Workers How To Make Sure Biden Won Unverified
Affidavit of evidence & analysis of Dominion EMS vulnerabilities Unverified
An update to the SW executable cannot "flip" votes unless it was intended Unverified
Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems Unverified
Wayne County Clerk, Cathy Garrett, 2013 Mayoral Election Flip Unverified
Republicans in Wayne County Caved In . . . Unverified
Dominion Software IT Contractor Alleges Massive Fraud In Signed Affidavit Unverified
Cnn - reporting of decline and transfer in single view Unverified
Illegal voter intimidation & rioting by communist-inspired scum Unverified
Michigan Official Threatens Republicans Who Refused To Certify Election Unverified
Intimidation of Election Officials Part 2 Unverified
Intimidation of Election Officials Unverified
Michigan vote counts and timing not possible expert Unverified
Joe Oltmann exposes Eric Coomer, Dominion Voting Systems Glitches Unverified
Michigan Votes changed in Wayne County Matthew Seely poll watcher. Unverified
Voting machines can be easily hacked Unverified
Chinese-American pollworker in Detroit observes open fraud Unverified
Detroit public employees claims threw aways thousands of Trump votes Unverified
MI Poll wartcher: Xerox copy ballots used for military votes for Biden 100% Unverified
70% of Wayne County (Detriot) vote counts mismatch poll books Unverified
Gov. Witmer passes pro- vote fraud law Unverified
Apparent Election Official Records Self Destroying Trump Votes Unverified
On Nov. 4 "tens of thousands of ballots" delivered from out-of-state Unverified
State employees were training poll workers to commit fraud Unverified
Voting systems hacked to alter votes. Fast forward to 23 min in to get the meat. Unverified
Michigan kickbacks Unverified
Detroit Ballot Counters Counting ‘Xerox Copies’ As Military Ballots Unverified
June Aiken rises from dead, shows up to cast ballot for Joe Biden Unverified
video of republican poll watchers kicked out Unverified
video of detroit workers boarding up windows Unverified
Donna Brydges from Mason County rises from grave to vote for Joe Biden Unverified
William Bradley dies in 1984. Somehow rises from grave to vote for Sleepy Joe Unverified
Early Morning Wayne Absentee Ballot Dumps Skewed Improbably High for Biden Unverified
Detroit Election workers ban republicans and board up windows. violate state law Unverified
MIT PhD and Statistician Outlines Algorithmic Fingerprint Within Vote Data Unverified
Dr.SHIVA MIT: Michigan Votes Analysis Reveals Trump Votes Reallocated to Biden Unverified
#DETROITLEAKS — Instructor Tells Poll Workers how to not count votes Unverified
DetroitLeaks audio recording of poll workers being trained to violate law Unverified
Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count Unverified
Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count Unverified
Woman discovered box of 500 ballots from people who were not on voter rolls Unverified
Election Worker:Ballots IllegallyAltered-rescanning batches w/out discarding 1st Unverified
Detroit Poll Workers Tasked with Duplicating Ballots Were Illiterate Unverified
Cops Keep Poll Challengers Out of Processing Center as 1000s votes are Processed Unverified
Detroit tabulation machines were illegally connected to the internet Unverified
Michigan dead/centenarian voters and registered voters Unverified

Beyond Michigan, additional links of nationwide relevance are available on our Further Leads page.

Footnotes & References

  1. The film from Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium (Aug 10, 2021) showed quite clearly that some machines had internet connectivity. Poll watcher Patrick Colbeck also gave witness testimony at the symposium to this fact. Internet connectivity combined with poor overall security left them wide open to fraudulent manipulation.  2

  2. Nick Moseder: “Is ‘2000 Mules’ An Absolute Game Changer?”, May 3, 2022 

  3. Interview on Bannon’s War Room: Matt DePerno: Audit Officials Were Threatened - Forced to Water Down Audit Report, Sep 25, 2021 

  4. Looking at the nationwide trends over the 2020 election, it became commonplace to stretch or completely ignore the laws for absentee/mail-in ballot eligibility, bulk ballot collection, independent observation, voter ID, signature verification, citizenship verification, removal of inactive/ineligible voters from rolls, voting machine accreditation, retention of election records, transparency of operations, and numerous other laws. Most breaches have not yet been prosecuted. 

  5. Free Press International News Service: “Storm clouds in Michigan over forensic audit”, July 2, 2021. 

  6. Matthew DePerno: “June 24, 2021 Press Release”. 

  7. Censored “The Current State Of Our Country”, Rudy Giuliani, Trump Legal Team, (around 22min mark). Unfortunately, this video has been censored by YouTube, and no longer appears to be accessible via this link. We will update the address once we have a new link.  2 3 4 5 6

  8. Report: “2020 Presidential Election Startling Vote Spikes: Statistical Analysis of State Vote Dumps in the 2020 Presidential Election” by Eric Quinnell (Engineer); Stan Young (Statistician); Tony Cox (Statistician); Tom Davis (IT Expert); Ray Blehar (Government Analyst, ret’d); John Droz (Physicist); and Anonymous Expert. 

  9. Patrick Byrne, traditionally a Libertarian, developed a team of computer specialists to investigate election integrity issues including the notorious one-sided “spikes” found in several states and has written extensively about them on his website See “Evidence Grows: ’20 Election Was Rigged” (Nov 24, 2020) and his book “The Deep Rig”. 

  10. The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities”, Peter Navarro, Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and Assistant to the President.

    See also Navarro’s follow-up reports:
    The Art of the Steal” (Volume 2 of 3)
    Yes, President Trump Won” (Volume 3 of 3) 

  11. Telegram Post:, Dec 19, 2021 

  12. 39 Election fraud witnesses take case to Michigan Supreme Court, one alleges outside influence by Zuckerberg funded charities”, The Sara Carter Show, Dec 3, 2020 

  13. InfluenceWatch: “Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL)”  2

  14. Michigan Supreme Court Urges Lower Court to Quickly Assess Claims of Election Fraud”, The Epoch Times, November 24, 2020  2

  15. Edward Solomon’s 12min video “Geometric Proof for Georgia” is available on Rumble. See also his official report and affidavit or screenshots of his spreadsheets. Statistician Dr Frank also believes that Edward Solomon’s numbers are correct

  16. The Secretary of State’s Election Fact Check Page is dubious and misleading. For example, the first section claims that batteries do not contain data, and thus the removal of batteries cannot wipe data from a machine. This is misleading and ill-informed, as it’s not the batteries themselves that contain data, but that removal of batteries from any device that contains “volatile memory” will cause that memory to be wiped. Volatile memory keeps information only during the time it is powered up. In other words, volatile memory requires power to maintain the information. Unless it’s confirmed that the machines could not possibly contain crucial forensic evidence on volatile memory, the SoS’s claim should be disputed. 

  17. Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners: Committee Meeting Notes, June 22, 2021 (PDF), see pages 34-36.  2

  18. Detroit Free Press: “Bureau of Elections denies Cheboygan County Commission’s request to conduct election audit”, Aug 5, 2021.  2

  19. Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov: “Lawmaker Issues Official Subpoenas for Ballots and Election Machines from 2 Counties”, Aug 14, 2021. Alternate link 2

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