Most research into election fraud began in the six battleground or swing states, yet after numerous other states reported integrity issues the research has widened. We’re hoping to expand our coverage to every state in the US. The sections below outline what we know so far about New Hampshire.

Election Integrity Scorecard

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard is an assessment of each state’s voting laws, written regulations and procedures. New Hampshire was ranked equal 17th out of 51.

Election Integrity Scorecard

New Hampshire's Total Score 64%
Voter ID Implementation 85%
Accuracy of Voter Registration Lists 53%
Absentee Ballot Management 76%
Vote Harvesting/Trafficking Restrictions 100%
Access of Election Observers 100%
Verification of Citizenship 0%
Identification for Voter Assistance 33%
Vote Counting Practices 100%
Election Litigation Procedures 33%
Restriction of Same-day Registration 0%
Restriction of Automatic Registration 100%
Restriction of Private Funding of Election Officials or Government Agencies 0%

View the full Scorecard for New Hampshire

It’s important to note that the scores above reflect the laws, regulations, and processes that exist within the state, but not whether they were actually followed. In the 2020 election, some states with highly-rated election integrity measures did not uphold them. 1 As The Heritage Foundation reminds us, even the best laws are not worth much unless responsible officials enforce them rigorously. It is up to the citizens of each state to make sure that their elected and appointed public officials do just that.

Seth Keshel’s Trend Analysis

Former US military intelligence officer and statistical analyst Seth Keshel analyzed the trends of voter registrations versus actual votes and discovered alarming anomalies in a number of counties, ones that defy typical historical trends. He has published a report for every state, indicating which counties’ vote counts align with the trend in voter registrations and which have small or large divergences.

Seth Keshel County Trend Map for New Hampshire

Chart legend: Red = Rampant Fraud, Yellow = Likely/Suspect, Green = Clean

Trump votes Biden votes Other votes
Officially reported results 365,654 (45.36%) 424,921 (52.71%) 15,559 (1.93%)
Estimate of potential fraud 40,000 (5.0%)
Estimate of actual result
(with fraud removed)
365,654 (47.7%) 384,921 (50.2%) 15,559 (2.0%)

Seth estimates that there may be approximately 40,000 votes for Biden in excess of what New Hampshire registration trends would indicate — a possible indicator of fraud. Counties with the greatest number of excess votes deserve closer inspection.

Seth has listed New Hampshire’s Rockingham County as being among the Nation’s Top 100 Worst Counties in terms of abnormal trends during the 2020 election.

View Seth’s National Summary   View Seth’s New Hampshire Report

Windham Township, Rockingham County District 7

Hand Recount

Following the Nov 3 election results, a hand recount was performed in Windham on Nov 12 to validate the results. They found a discrepancy of 399 votes which was the largest numerical discrepancy in New Hampshire’s senate race history. 2

Detailed Audit

Concerned citizens including Ken Eyring and Tom Murray 2 gathered grassroots support for a full audit of Windham, and Bill 43 was presented to the state legislature.

An original version of the bill designated three groups of auditors: 3 2

  1. Either Harri Hursti, Ron Rivest (MIT), or Andrew Appel (picked by Secretary of State)
  2. Either Retired Colonel Phil Waldron, or Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
  3. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

The bill was later amended (or some would say “corrupted”) to have a different three auditors: one chosen by the Board of Selectmen in Windham, another chosen collaboratively by the Secretary of State and Attorney General, and a third auditor to be selected by the first two auditors. 2 The auditors requested by the citizens were sidelined.

The Board of Selectmen selected Mark Lindeman, Co-Director of Verified Voting 4 — a choice that was hotly protested by citizens at town meetings. The Secretary of State and Attorney General selected Harri Hursti, Cybersecurity Consultant and Co-Founder of Nordic Innovation Labs. Those two then co-selected Philip B. Stark — a member of the Electoral Assistance Commission’s Board of Advisors and close associate of Hursti’s — as the third audit lead. All three had associations with Verified Voting 4, top-ranking Democrat officials, and George Soros. 2 5

Hursti famously demonstrated a memory card hack on the Diebold AccuVote OS machines back in 2006. The machines have reportedly received software updates and fixes, but the same hardware is still in use in New Hampshire, and would be a major target of the audit.

The intellectual property for these Diebold machines is now owned by Dominion Voting Systems, of which there has been significant, alarming concerns.

In April 2021, the New Hampshire Senate voted unanimously to approve Bill 43 to perform a forensic audit of Windham Township. This law authorized the audit of:

  • The results of the House of Representatives, Rockingham District 7 race, from the November 3, 2020 General Election
  • The ballot counting machines and their memory cards from Windham
  • Hand tabulations of the ballots from the above-described race
  • The recount done by the Secretary of State
  • All ballots cast in the races for governor and United States senate, via hand-tallying

Strangely, Stark’s profile was removed from the EAC website sometime in December–April 6, while Hursti’s was removed from Verified Voting immediately after being selected for the audit. 7 It’s not clear if this was an attempt at hiding associations, or some benign update.

The audit found 400 ballots that were incorrectly counted, but the final report downplayed the issue as being local and unlikely to affect the rest of New Hampshire, and thus the election outcome. Since the same machines are used in 137 towns across the state, this claim has been debated.

Here is one set of results comparing the counts on Nov 3, 2020, a recount on Nov 12, 2020, and a set of four machines during the audit. Notice how the machines rarely agree on the ballot counts, with consistent errors:

Source: Uncover DC. Note that this chart does not include the count of blanks, as shown here, which numbered over 5,627, more than any single candidate.

The final audit report is available below, with further audit documents available from The New Hampshire Department of Justice.

Secretary of State William M. Gardner and Attorney General John M. Formella followed up with their joint report, available here.

Criticisms of the Audit

Several criticisms of the audit have been raised:

  • The close ties of the auditors with top-ranking Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who appointed both Stark, and Lindeman’s colleague Barbara Simons to the powerful Electoral Assistance Commission 5

  • The close ties of Verified Voting with George Soros’ Democracy Alliance Board 5

  • Harri Hursti previously attempted to warn the world about the dangers of vulnerable voting machines in the documentaries Hacking Democracy and Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections (and here’s an insightful 20min compilation of Hursti and Stark’s machine vulnerability claims) but upon their involvement in the Windham NH audit, proceeded to claim that the election appeared relatively secure and was unaffected by fraud

  • Memory cards used in the Nov 2020 election were “reset” (wiped) during the audit, losing valuable forensic data. Hursti and other auditors prevented concerned citizens from forensically imaging (securely copying) the memory cards prior to them being reset. The auditors further claimed that they could not themselves copy the Nov 2020 data from the cards in a secure-enough way, despite them having write-protect switches which would prevent alteration. 8

  • Harri Hursti invited LHS Associates President Jeff Silvestro — the company that sold the voting machines to Windham — directly onto the floor of the forensic audit, in close proximity to the Diebold AccuVote Optical Scan (AV-OS) tabulators and the removable memory cards which were used in the 2020 election, outraging Windham residents who believed he should not be involved in the audit 9

  • Philip B. Stark left the audit part-way through the process, leaving only two auditors, which appears to violate the SB 43 law requiring three auditors 10

  • Of the three auditors, only Hursti was present at the audit when the memory cards were being inspected, another potential violation of SB 43 11 12

  • The audit report focused on the “ballot folding” issue — whereby a fold in the paper through a candidate’s name could sometimes be recorded as a vote — but deflected away from the other vulnerabilities in the machines, exploitable via the memory cards

  • Issues with machine #2 flipping votes from one party to another (across all races, except the governor race, strangely) have not been adequately explained. 13 The auditors claimed that this was likely to be because machine #2 processed mostly absentee ballots which could likely be more Democrat-leaning, although this explanation does not explain why the governor’s race was skewed differently, nor why the non-absentee ballots failed to have a corresponding Republican-skew. 2

  • The auditors claimed the machines had zero possibility of any internet or phone-line access whatsoever, nor even a TCP/IP stack within the operating system, yet this appears to contradict the equipment manual which includes extensive coverage of dial-up modems designed for connecting over telephone networks. 14 8 Video footage of the machine’s internals appear to show severed wires, which may be how the networking ports were disabled at some point in time 15, although this has not been clearly explained.

Merrimack, Hillsborough County

As NH citizens made FOIA requests for the machine tapes across the state, more anomalies were discovered. Here is one from the town of Merrimack:

Merrimack Voting Machine Tape

Source: Nick Moseder: BREAKING: THOUSANDS Of Votes Lost In New Hampshire

It shows that out of 1,738 total votes, a large percentage were irregular. 396 (22.8%) were overvotes, where the machine rejected the ballot as voting for too many candidates, and 322 (18.5%) were undervotes. Overvotes and undervotes are often excluded from the counts unless they pass a separate adjudication process (a process which can be easily manipulated).

Deeper analysis of the tapes also revealed that the machines that generated the most overvotes also demonstrated a strange flipping of Democrat-to-Republican percentages compared with other machines in the town. 13

We have yet to receive confirmation on what exactly occurred in Merrimack, but it deserves further investigation. Similar issues likely occurred across the state.


Similar to Merrimack, above, 727 (12.5%) of the votes in Claremont were flagged as overvotes and not counted. 13

Electronic Voting Machines

The polling and tabulation equipment used for each county in the US is listed at Verified Voting, although see our disclaimer 4. They also have a detailed database including photographs of the various models of voting equipment. Note that the polling and ballot marking equipment is different to the scanning and tabulation equipment — both need to be highly secure, and in most cases are not.

Voting machines and computerized tabulation equipment have introduced many vulnerabilities and avenues for manipulation in elections. Cybersecurity experts tell us that there is no such thing as a fully secure computer system, and the more complex our voting systems and election systems get, with more moving parts and connections, the more impossible it will be for any state or county to defend against a nation-state-level threat. Local counties running elections can no longer defend against these motivated and well-funded foreign nations. The efficiency gains brought by machines are not reason enough to tolerate the loss of security, accountability, and transparency.

Elections need to return to paper ballots and mechanical or hand counting to minimize the threat of cyber attacks and manipulation by fraud. Let your state representative, county clerk, county commissioners, and Secretary of State know your opinion about this.

The Arizona Ballot Integrity Project is one such initiative promoting new, ultra-secure paper ballots with state-of-the-art security features to prevent fraud and help restore faith in elections. Learn more about the initiative.

Voter Roll Verification Tool

In many states, anomalies are being uncovered in the voter rolls: voters not being removed when moving interstate or passing away, and fake or “phantom” voters being added to the rolls. Citizens of New Hampshire can verify their voter registration record, and the records of known addresses via the link below:

NH Voter Integrity: Voter Search

Other Reports

Get Involved

Volunteers are needed to help verify the irregularities found. One key way this is done is through voter canvassing, with teams analyzing the county and state records and voter rolls, and others going door-to-door to identify whether the records match the actual residents living at the address.

Learn more about Canvassing Volunteer in Your State

Further Updates

Jun 2, 2021

Numerous further issues and unanswered questions arise from the Windham Audit.

Uncover DC
May 30, 2021 The Gateway Pundit
May 28, 2021

Screenshots prove that machine timestamps can be easily manipulated and voting machine tapes can be easily falsified.

Uncover DC
May 27, 2021 Uncover DC
May 25, 2021 Uncover DC
May 25, 2021

As many as 60% of ballots with machine-made or handmade folds were improperly counted by the town’s four scanning machines, Harri Hursti, one of three auditors selected for the process, said. “The error rate was way higher than we expected.”

Vince Quill
May 21, 2021

Further screenshots and analysis of the Windham Audit.

The Election Wizard
May 20, 2021

A summary of the anomalies discovered during an election recount in Windham County, New Hampshire.

Uncover DC
May 17, 2021

An overview of key issues in the Windham Audit.

Uncover DC
May 13, 2021 Uncover DC
Feb 14, 2021

Details how the NH Senate and House flipped to Republican in 2020, yet Joe Biden somehow achieved a huge margin over Trump.

The Spectator
Nov 14, 2020

Details of the hand recount in Windham County, New Hampshire.

Granite Grok

State Representatives Supporting Election Integrity & Audits

Following the results of the Maricopa Arizona Forensic Audit, 188 state representatives from 39 states signed a letter asking for forensic audits in all 50 states.

From New Hampshire, only Representative Tim Baxter has so far signed the document.

The US Congress Election Integrity Caucus — a group of 55 federal members working together on issues of election integrity — has no members from New Hampshire.

Election Audit Groups on Telegram

To join the grassroots efforts in pursuing election integrity and audits of the 2020 election in New Hampshire, you can join the following groups on Telegram:

For other states, see our Full List of Telegram Channels. has no affiliation with nor any responsibility for these channels. Discern carefully, as some users and even admins of channels have shown obstruction to transparent audits of our elections.

Credit is also due to State Senator Bob Giuda for supporting the initial request of a forensic audit in Windham, despite the disappointing process. 3

Raw Data

We aim to publish links to both the raw election data and voter registration data for New Hampshire so that citizens and researchers can analyze this information for themselves.

Show Raw Data Links

Certified Election Results
Currently unknown

In most states, the certified election results are available from the Secretary of State or State Board of Elections. Check their website for details. States are also required by HAVA law to inform the public of how many absentee ballots were both sent and received to uniformed services and overseas voters.
Voter Registration Rolls/Database
Currently unknown

In some states, these are freely available from the Secretary of State or State Board of Elections. Check their website. In other states, voter rolls must be purchased and/or accessed via a signed legal agreement. Some officials are also obstructing access to the rolls, to make auditing difficult. Let us know via Telegram or via the comment section below if you experience issues.
Cast Vote Records Ordros Analytics has collated a repository of Cast Vote Records (CVRs) which list everyone who voted in the Nov 2020 election. Only some counties in some states are represented, but the list is growing.
The New York Times 2020 Election Results Results for all states, with several maps and charts.
Data Explorer Tool Our own tool for inspecting the 2020 New York Times data, including the time-series data of how the counting progressed. Also provides download links for raw JSON or CSV data, including counts for every precinct and county.
US Election Atlas Detailed results for 2020 and previous years. Some data is freely accessible on their website, while some, such as detailed historic results in CSV format, are purchasable for a fee.
This appears to be the source commonly used by Seth Keshel for his analysis, although we have not officially confirmed this.
2020 General Election Data & Research A broad collection of national stats, vote and registration counts, time-series data, voting machine information and manuals, PDF reports, and other research collated by citizen auditors.
Election Night Time-Series Data from Edison

Provides more detail than is available from the New York Times, and includes numerous interactive charts.
Download ZIP of Raw Data
Published by Jeff O’Donnell,
Weekly HAVV SSN Reports

Social Security Administration (SSA) Weekly Data for Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) Transactions by State.
Learn more about this data
Published by Jeff O’Donnell,

If you have additional sources of election data, please let us know via Telegram, Twitter or post a comment below to assist.

Further Leads

Beyond New Hampshire, additional links of nationwide relevance are available on our Further Leads page.

Footnotes & References

  1. Looking at the nationwide trends over the 2020 election, it became commonplace to stretch or completely ignore the laws for absentee/mail-in ballot eligibility, bulk ballot collection, independent observation, voter ID, signature verification, citizenship verification, removal of inactive/ineligible voters from rolls, voting machine accreditation, retention of election records, transparency of operations, and numerous other laws. Most breaches have not yet been prosecuted. 

  2. Rumble Interview: “Smoking Gun in New Hampshire?” with CanCon, Professor David Clements, Tom Murray, and Ken Eyring, May 30, 2021.  2 3 4 5 6

  3. Ken Eyring explains the discussions he had with Secretary of State Bill Gardner and the initial agreement they came to:  2

  4. Verified Voting has some useful information on their website, however we feel the need to caution visitors about the partisan ties and Democrat influence within the organization. According to The Gateway Pundit: 5

    • Barbara Simons, Board Chair of Verified Voting, was appointed by top-ranking Democrats (Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and later Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer) to the seemingly-corrupt and powerful U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC).

    • Mark Lindeman, Co-Director of Verified Voting, openly opposed the Maricopa Forensic Audit, yet was chosen to perform the criticized Windham NH Audit.

    • Verified Voting also appear to have hidden the fact that cybersecurity consultant and New Hampshire election auditor Harri Hursti was previously a member of the organization, with all mention of him removed from their website two days after being selected for the audit, without explanation.

    Utilize the VV website with these questionable issues in mind.  2 3

  5. The Gateway Pundit: “BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Windham, New Hampshire 2020 Election Audit Was Over Before It Started – Two of Three Auditors Have Conflicts with Pelosi and Schumer”, May 26, 2021.  2 3 4

  6. Philip Stark was previously listed on the EAC website as being on their Board of Advisors, but has since been removed. See before and after

  7. Verified Voting’s current webpage shows he is not a member. However, the Internet Archive shows that on April 29, Hursti was shown as being on the Board of Advisors. On May 3, the NH AG and SoS hired him to be a member of their audit team. Two days later, on May 5, any evidence of Hursti’s participation as an advisor with Verified Voting had been deleted. This evidence was reported by The Gateway Pundit, see 16

  8. Nick Moseder: “BREAKING - WE CAUGHT THEM! CITIZENS AUDIT! w_ Marylyn Todd & Cann Con”, May 31, 2021.  2

  9. The Gateway Pundit: “The Auditors of the Windham, New Hampshire 2020 Election Results Audit Invited the President of the Voting Machine Company to the Audit – Why?”, May 30, 2021. 

  10. The Gateway Pundit: “BREAKING: One of Three Auditors Exits Windham, NH Election Audit – Law Requires a Team of Three Auditors”, May 27, 2021. 

  11. Uncover DC: “Windham Update: Hursti Alone Conducts Forensic Audit of Machines”, May 27, 2021. 

  12. The Gateway Pundit: “EXCLUSIVE: Why is Auditor Harry Hursti, Who Uncovered the Fatal Flaws in Diebold Memory Cards in 2005, Hiding These Flaws in the Windham, NH Audit This Week?”, May 29, 2021. 

  13. Nick Moseder: “New Hampshire Election Fraud”, May 26, 2021.  2 3

  14. CannCon: “Does an expert’s affidavit contradict Harri Hursti and Philip Stark?”, Jun 2, 2021. He shows video of Philip Stark and Harri Hursti clearly stating that the machines have zero connectivity, and yet the manual has several sections on setting up modems. 

  15. This video tweet from Heather Mullins, Real America’s Voice, May 27, 2021. 

  16. The Gateway Pundit: “BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Windham, New Hampshire 2020 Election Audit Was Over Before It Started – Two of Three Auditors Have Conflicts with Pelosi and Schumer”, May 26, 2021. 

Visitor Comments

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